Sampling valve with membrane for critical liquids (PEMC)

Sampling valve with membrane for critical liquids for the process or storage tanks and sticky or laden liquids

The PEMC sampling valve is used to take a sample of clear, viscous, sticky or laden liquid from a tank, in order to carry out quality and/or bacteriological tests.

The PEMC valve is available in manual and automatic versions. Sealed with a membrane coupled to the drive head. Its hygienic design with a flush membrane (flared body), ensures that there are no retention areas (where bacteria can develop), and that it is easy to clean.

The valve has a dedicated connection for the flow of CIP fluid, enabling the sampling chamber to be cleaned.

Fields of application :
Food processing
Food processing
Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals
Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals
Green chemistry & Biotech
Green chemistry & Biotech
  • Specially designed for liquids with a high viscosity or containing solid particles
  • Hygienic design with flush body
  • Can be sterilised by CIP/SIP circulation
  • Available in manual and automatic versions
  • On-tank sampling of all types of liquids including sticky and/or laden liquids
  • Equipment particularly suited to sampling products subject to quality and/or bacteriological tests

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